Funerals mark the closure of a human life on earth. The funeral service provides an opportunity for friends and family to gather together and support each other in their grief, to give thanks for the life of the departed loved one, and to commend the person into God’s keeping.
Funerals at St Paul’s
Funerals are an important part of our Christian ministry as we offer comfort and reassurance to those who are facing loss and work with them in arranging a service to meet their needs. The funeral director also plays a very important part in these arrangements.
The funeral service will reflect the personality of the one who has died and the circumstances of their death. Feelings of grief, gratitude, joy and sadness often intermingle.
Grieving is a natural and important part of coming to terms with the loss of a loved one and will continue over the ensuing months or years. We are here to provide ongoing support and encouragement. Comfort may also be found in the promises of Jesus Christ, in the hope of the Resurrection and in the belief that the beloved person is safe in the hands of God.
Arrangements for the funeral service of a loved one may be made by contacting the Parish Office by email at roma@anglicanchurchsq.org.au or by phone on 0417 764 134.